
Sunday, 2 September 2012

Counselling/Therapeutic books i found valuable reads.

If the three most important attributes of real estate are location, location, location; then the three most important features of time-effective therapy are focus, focus and focus. Our practitioners ask themselves again and again what emotional conflict, blurred boundary, behavioral snare, or misplaced view of self lies at the core of this couples dilemma? How will I clarify, deepen, or reframe that focus to bring it to the centre of the treatment. 
'Short-Term Couple Therapy'  Edited by James M. Donovan

Though CBT and IPT have many specific strengths, any therapy is only a good as the practitioner. Your therapist matters more that your choice of therapeutic systems. Some one to whom you connect profoundly can probably help you a lot by chatting with you in an unstructured environment, someone to whom you do not connect will not really help you no matter how sophisticated his technique or how numerous his qualifications… 
'The Noonday Demon'  Andrew Solomon

One cannot deal with a loss without recognising what is lost. When someone dies, as for example a spouse or a parent, what is lost is more than the person; it is also a social role. The self in that role, and the role itself are lost as well (Silverman, 1988). Even parents with several children report that there is a specific part of their self that is devoted only to parenting the dead child. In the same way, they reported, there are parts of themselves that are devoted only to parenting each of their living children. 
'Continuing Bonds'  Edited by Dennis Klass, Phyllis R. Silverman, and Steven L. Nickman.

It is in the smallest ways that we demonstrate our best (and worst) capacities as human beings in how we relate to each other. These may be miniscule qualities of touch, slight shifts of expression, and a subtle moderation in tone of voice. When people are most caring and intimate, these tiny movements speak of enormous feeling and meaning. Even in mundane moments, this exquisite sensitivity is being played out and its impact can be enormous. Yet human contact is our main source of sustainment even when it is transacted in a far more cursory and automatic way, even when we have to watch soap operas to see the same clichéd rhythms of meeting and passing in contrived story-lines. 
'The Heart of Listening'  Rosalind Pearmain